Top 5 Apple iPhone Apps for University Teachers
28 March 2013
When it comes to listening to music, socially connecting with your friends and family, and organizing your life, the iPad and many other mobile devices have continued to push the "limits" of mobile technology. Products like the iPad and the iPhone have incredibly changed the face of mobile computers, and as it stands now, they will continue to do so for many years. When it comes to pushing the boundaries for technology, it is no wonder why professors at universities all over the United Kingdom adopting the use of technology more and more. Protect Your Bubble looks at some of the best iPhone apps for university teachers; apps that will assist you in nurturing your student's minds and organising your educational agenda.
The Outliner app has multiple ways of using it for your benefit. This app can be used to help teachers find their very own creative apps, especially if you become very familiar with the interface of this neat software. The teacher can create and broadcast various outlines and important lists for all the projects that are being worked on in their classes. This is an excellent place to store the notes of your lectures, you can keep an updated grade sheet, draw rubrics, and so many other great features that make this one stand out from the rest.
If you are looking for an app that will assist you in creating great-looking tests, assignment sheets, notes, presentation guidelines, quizzes, or assignments; then this app is definitely for you. Right from the beginning you will be able to create and organise any type of important paper that you need for your university classroom. Most teachers who use this app create visual graphs, embed videos, add relevant photos, and create charts, all in the hopes of making the whole university experience a little more streamlined and fun for the student.
Not only is the gFlashPro great for university teachers, but it's also good for students and trivia fanatics! This app allows you to download flashcards, quizzes, and tests that can be used to help you study for the big exam coming up. This is great for educators to recommend to their students to help them study, especially because it allows you to upload images and audio files to assist in the studying process. University teachers can also use the gFlashPro app to test their skills as well, which will ultimately help them stay on top of their game in the classroom.
Mobile Mouse
With the Mobile Mouse app, you can essentially turn your iPad or your iPhone into a wireless remote. If you are a university teacher, you will love this app as it will make things a lot easier for you while you are flipping through presentation slides and notes. No need to switch between a computer and a laptop when you can do it all from one spot, your iPad or iPhone! If your classroom is full of hard-to-use technology, this app makes things a whole lot easier for you.
Teacher's Assistant Pro
If you are like most teachers, then you live a hectic life. This teaching assistant app is great for all of those busy university teachers and lecturers. This app will help you keep very accurate track of your student's behaviour, any infractions they may have, and also any achievements that they receive or reach. You will be able to document, in real-time, all of your student's behavioural tendencies, both good and bad. If anything good or bad were to happen while you are teaching, this gadget will assist you in creating a very detailed report that can be sent to your university's administrators or even sent to the guardians of the student in question. What makes this app even better is that it can be customised to your personal needs in the classroom, making it very easy and convenient to use.
The Apps Store is flooded with all types of apps and finding one to help with teaching needs is not easy by any means. The above apps will make things easier and creative for you both inside and outside of your classroom, so it is worthwhile installing those and having a go. If there are any apps that you feel have been missed, please let us know via the comment form below as it may also be useful for our fellow readers.