The future of mobile tech | MWC 2018

02 March 2018

Robert Duke



Mobile World Congress Collage

Mobile World Congress is paradise for the tech-obsessed. There are so many shiny, exciting things announced and demonstrated every year, so not even storm ‘Emma’ and the ensuing travel chaos could keep us at bay in 2018. Here’s some of the most interesting stuff we saw in Barcelona:

Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung Galaxy S9 slow-mo

One of the most anticipated unveilings at the show was the new Samsung flagship smartphone. Their new device has outstanding specs and a ton of new features. We were particularly impressed by the ultra-hi-res super-slow-mo video mode. Very cool indeed.

Next-gen projectors

Smart and interactive projectors

Projection technology has come on leaps and bounds in recent years. We played with one which allows you to interact with the display like it's a smartphone screen and an advanced smartphone projector that displays high-quality video on almost any flat surface. Pure sci-fi vibes.

Friendly robots

Friendly robots

Aww. Look at this little guy. We could only admire from afar as he got into a deep conversation (in French) with another startled onlooker. Incroyable! Later, we saw him waving goodbye to people near the exit. Lovely manners.

Nokia Sleep

Nokia Sleep bed and screen

This new gadget measures the quality of your sleep and gives you a ‘sleep score’. It can also turn up your thermostat when you get up in the morning and turn down the lights when you hit the hay. Automated bliss.

Concept 'smart' Car

Concept smart car mobile world congress 2018

How can you improve on the diminutive Smart Car? Give it transparent doors and replace the lights with slightly disconcerting, humanesque eyes that scowl and blink. Obviously.

5G wireless systems

4G vs 5G speed

Okay, so this photo may not be *particularly* interesting in isolation, but the information behind it is. We heard that the next generation of 5G enabled smartphones will be able to download a three-hour long movie in just one minute.

If anything, that’s a little too fast.

Healthcare tech

ECG scanner size of credit card and wearable health monitors

This credit card sized machine (left) can give you an electrocardiogram (ECG), then instantly ping the info over to your smartphone. We also tried out some new wearables (right) with advanced health and ailment tracking features.

* For more photos and videos from Mobile World Congress, check out our #MWC18 thread on Twitter