How to Protect and Look After your New iPhone 5s
29 September 2013
It’s surprising the number of people that think the worst won’t happen to their iPhone. The unfortunate reality is, even if you are extra careful, you still can’t be sure you won’t lose your new gadget and you certainly can’t guarantee it won’t be stolen from you. According to this article 300 phones are stolen daily in London alone and around half of all mobiles stolen are Apple iPhones. London isn’t the only area at risk though, iPhone theft is on the rise all through the UK and it is hardly surprising considering their market value. Even if you take steps to lock your phone and use the new fingerprint scanner they can still be attractive to thieves. What is not surprising however is that many of us would be lost without our iPhone. According to the Mail Online we check our phones on average 150 times per day, and use them for almost everything from social networking to online banking, so having one taken from us can be a devastating situation. There are things you can do to protect your new iPhone however, and below are the top five things you can do to ensure you are not faced with having to shell out for a costly replacement if the worst should happen.
1. Invest in iPhone Insurance
Many iPhone users are still risking using their device with no iPhone Insurance. Many are also unaware of how cost effective it can be to protect your gadget. Network providers may offer insurance at point of sale for around £12.50 per month, but it doesn’t have to be that expensive. Protect Your Bubble provides iPhone Insurance for £5.99 per month, with loss as an additional extra of £1.50 per month. That means that you can insure your new iPhone 5s against all eventualities for only £7.50 per month, a small price to pay for peace of mind. Your iPhone warranty will only cover mechanical breakdown and even Apple Care+ only covers against accidental damage and water damage, so not loss, theft or unauthorised calls. If you are unsure about whether or not you want to invest in iPhone Insurance then ask yourself if you could afford up to £709 for a replacement handset? Alternatively could you manage to cope with a cheap replacement while you continue to pay out monthly for your 24 month contract? If the answer is no, then iPhone Insurance could be a great move. You probably won’t miss a small amount coming out of your bank account each month, but you would very much miss the cost of a replacement.
2. Don’t advertise your tech to thieves
The iPhone 5s is available in a rather attractive gold or space grey plated finish. It looks nice, but it is a clear calling card to the fact it is a brand new shiny iPhone 5s as opposed to an earlier model. Much like magpies, thieves will be attracted to your aluminium iPhone 5s and therefore it is important not to advertise it to them. We know you love your new iPhone and want to show it off when possible, but hide it from public view when in busy locations. It can be tempting to play with your iPhone whilst walking down the street or get it out in busy bars, but this will just alert potential thieves to its location especially if you are vulnerable. Always make sure that your iPhone is not visible in your back pocket or in an open bag or backpack. These are easy targets for pickpockets, instead store your phone in the inside pocket of a coat or jacket when wearing one or in the inside pocket of a sealed bag.
3. Keep your phone within arm’s reach
This is so important, as even if you have insurance, insurers will not cover you if you are being careless with your phone. Within arm’s reach simply means that you should never leave your phone unattended, for example on a table in a pub while you go to the bar or into the toilet. Even if you have friends watching it, don’t take any risks. They could easily become distracted and many thieves are good at creating diversions. Even in places you feel could be safe, for example your work place or at friendly gatherings, you should take extra care. Do not leave your iPhone on your desk while you head to make a coffee or risk leaving it lying around at a party while you fetch a drink. You may trust the people around you and your colleagues, but there may be people in the building that you have unfortunately not accounted for.
4.Never leave your bag unattended
As with your phone, there are plenty of places where you may potentially leave a bag unattended – on a nearby table while you dance in a club, by the side of a football pitch or in a changing room while you play sport, even in a dedicated area while you sit an exam or participate in a job interview. Some of these situations may seem riskier than others but an unattended bag is a free pass for the good thief – ideally don’t leave your bag unattended, but absolutely never leave valuables in it. If you are sitting an exam then leave your iPhone at home or if you are participating in sporting activities then make sure you leave it in a locker or secure area. Never leave your bag unattended in a bar or club as they can be easily accessed by thieves. In fact, theft from your bag can happen almost anywhere, for example a few years ago my own home was burgled with no sign of forced entry. My housemate had left her bag close to the front door and the police believe that a rod like device was used to pick up the bag through the letterbox and reach into it. Of course her iPhone was within easy reach, not to mention her house keys which allowed the burglar easy entry into our property. So, trust me, these things do happen!
5. Protect your data
Having your iPhone stolen is bad enough, but someone accessing your personal data can be even more of a nightmare. Luckily the new iPhone 5s has a fingerprint scanner, so it is easy to keep your phone locked when not in use. However, Apple estimate that only half of all iPhone users currently lock their phones using a pass code, which is surprising when you consider how much you do on your phone and how much risk your personal data could be at if someone got hold of your iPhone. Make sure that you do use a pass code or a pass code and the fingerprint scanner to make sure that your files are protected. It may seem a pain at first but you will quickly get used to it and it could save you much inconvenience and financial loss if the worst should happen.